It’s Friday afternoon and you just arrive home. It’s been a long busy week at work, and all you want to do is relax in your backyard with a glass of wine and a book and enjoy some quiet. But as soon as you step outside, your neighbor starts chatting away and before you know it, they’re over the fence and into your personal space!
This is just one example of how an intrusive neighbor can ruin your day. Now you’re wondering if you have to put up with this type of behavior or if there’s anything you can do to keep neighbors at a distance?
If you’re struggling to deal with an intrusive neighbor, don’t worry – you’re not alone. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to put up with this behavior and there are ways to deal with them. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most common types of intrusive neighbors, and how their behavior can affect you, and we’ll go over general tips and some specific ways to set boundaries with your neighbors.
What Are Intrusive Neighbors and How Can They Impact You?
Intrusive neighbors are those who invade your personal space, make you feel uncomfortable, or are just generally annoying. There are different types of intrusive neighbors, including the nosy neighbor, the chatty one, the gossipy one, the one who’s always borrowing your stuff, and many more.

Even the lovely old lady next door who’s always dropping off plates of cookies can be considered an intrusive neighbor if her behavior is unwelcome.
The key thing to remember with intrusive neighbors is that they make you feel uncomfortable. It’s important to trust your gut instinct – if you feel like someone is invading your personal space or being too friendly, chances are they are being intrusive.
Intrusive neighbors can be a real challenge to deal with, especially if you don’t know how to handle them properly. Some of the most common challenges people face are:
- Feeling uncomfortable or harassed by their behavior.
- Feeling like they’re always being watched or monitored.
- Constantly being bombarded with questions or requests.
- Feeling like they can’t escape the neighbor’s presence.
- Having their privacy invaded.
These challenges can have a significant impact on your personal life and activities. It can make it difficult to relax and enjoy your own home or have any privacy. If they’re constantly intruding on you, it can make it difficult to concentrate or get anything done and can make you feel you don’t want to step outside the house because you fear they’ll be there waiting for you.
Feeling like you can’t escape their presence can be very stressful and overwhelming, and can impact your mental health. If you feel this way, it’s time to do something about it.
Practical Ways to Deal With Intrusive Neighbors
Here are some general tips for how to keep neighbors at a distance to help you deal with intrusive neighbors:
1. Talk to Your Neighbors and Establish Boundaries
If you’re wondering how to avoid talking to neighbors who are too friendly, then STOP!
If you’re struggling with an intrusive neighbor, it’s important to set boundaries. And if you’re wondering how to set boundaries with neighbors, the first step is to talk to them. Don’t avoid them. Avoiding them will only prolong the situation.
Talk to your neighbor about their behavior and how it makes you feel. Be specific about when and how they dropped in unannounced, for example, and explain what you were doing and how they interrupted you.
Let them know politely but firmly that you need your privacy and ask them to stop their behavior whatever it may be. Don’t be afraid to be assertive about your needs – after all, it’s your home and you should be able to enjoy it in peace!
You’ll be surprised how often a simple conversation can resolve the issue. Your neighbor may not even realize they’re being intrusive and may be happy to adjust their behavior if you explain how it makes you feel.
If you’re not confident the conversation could go well, or you’re worried your neighbor may not take your concerns seriously or react inappropriately, make sure you have a friend or family member with you for support when you talk to your neighbor.
However, if your neighbor doesn’t take the hint or continues to intrude on your space, it might be time to take things up a notch.
2. Limit Your Interactions With Your Neighbor
Sometimes the best way to deal with overbearing neighbors who are overly friendly is to simply limit your interactions with them. This does not mean avoiding them altogether, but means keeping your interactions brief and to the point.
Do not initiate a conversation with your neighbor and do not engage in small talk or conversation that could be construed as friendly. If you need to talk to your neighbor, try to keep the conversation brief and focused on the task at hand, but remember to always remain polite.
Remember, you need to be friendly with your neighbors but not friends!
It’s a good idea to avoid eye contact and body language that could be interpreted as inviting, like smiling or waving, as this could encourage your neighbor to approach you or continue their behavior.
It’s also important to be consistent with your approach. So, if you’ve decided to limit your interactions, make sure you stick to it no matter how persistent your neighbor is, or how uncomfortable it makes you feel. It will not be long before you’re neighbor gets the message that you’re not interested in interacting with them and will hopefully back off.
3. Install a Privacy Fence or Hedge to Limit Their Access to Your Property
If your neighbor is constantly dropping by or peeking into your yard, you might want to consider investing in some privacy landscaping, like a hedge or privacy fence, to make it clear to them that you value your privacy.
Not only will this physically block them from being able to see into your yard, but it will also hopefully make it clear that you’re not interested in having them around.
4. Get a Dog!

What if there was a way to get rid of your overly friendly neighbors for good and make a statement as you do so? What if you could train a dog to do your bidding? Just imagine: every time they came over, your furry friend would stay by your side, giving them an icy stare. Or maybe he would sniff them rudely, sending a clear message that they’re not welcome!
Or you can just get a good-all barking dog that will make it impossible for them to come over without being announced. After all, what’s more effective than having a large animal sit on your property and bark whenever someone comes near?
Dogs are great at deterring unwanted visitors and can be a big help in keeping your neighbor at bay. Not only will this deter most intruders, but it will also give you the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve found a creative way to solve your problem. And who knows? Your new furry friend might just become the best part of your day.
Of course, getting a dog just to spite your neighbor might not be the best idea, but if you’re already thinking of getting a pet, this might be the best solution for your problem.
5. Put up a “No Trespassing” Sign
If you’re at your wit’s end and you’re looking for a sure way to drive the message home to your neighbor, putting up a no trespassing sign (or a do not disturb sign) might be your best bet.
No trespassing signs are a clear and simple way to let your neighbor know that they’re not welcome. The sign can also serve as a warning to your neighbor that they may face legal consequences if they choose to ignore it. Or you can get creative and have some fun with your no trespassing sign while still sending a clear message.
Here are some of my favorites from amazon:
6. Get Help From Other People or Authorities if Necessary
So you’ve tried talking to your neighbors, setting up boundaries, and limiting your interactions, but nothing seems to work. You’ve even considered getting a dog or putting up a no trespassing sign, but your neighbor is continuing in their intrusive behavior. So what can you do?
One option is to reach out to other neighbors and see if they’re having similar issues. If so, you can band together. Two or three volunteers may try to approach the overbearing neighbor and try to explain how you are all feeling and ask them to stop their behavior.
Alternatively, if you live in an apartment complex or other type of community, the group could approach the building manager or homeowner’s association about the problem.
In extreme cases, you may need to involve the police if your neighbor is not showing any sign that they’re willing to back off, or if they’re being particularly disruptive or dangerous. Sometimes, simply having law enforcement involved can be enough to get an intrusive neighbor to back off.
If you find yourself having to involve the police, having a record of your neighbor’s behavior and all the steps you’ve taken to deal with the problem can be helpful.
Specific Types of Intrusive Neighbors and How to Deal With Them
Dealing with intrusive neighbors can be a difficult and frustrating experience. By following the general tips above and by reaching out for help, you can increase your chances of finding a resolution and keeping your neighbors at a distance.
However, specific types of intrusive behavior may warrant a direct approach. Here are some common examples and tips on how to deal with each one:
1. The Nosy Neighbor
The nosy neighbor is always poking their nose into your business and asking too many personal questions.
Here’s what you can say to a nosy neighbor to make them stop:
“I do appreciate your concern, but I would prefer if you didn’t ask me personal questions” or,
“I’m sorry, but I don’t feel comfortable sharing that information with you.”
2. The Chatty Neighbor
If you have a neighbor who just doesn’t stop talking when you run into them, and they seem to like sharing too much information, even when you don’t want to hear it, that could be annoying.
If your neighbor is the chatty type, here’s what you can say to them to make them stop:
“I’m sorry, but I’m not interested in hearing about that” or,
“I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I really don’t want to hear about all these personal details.”
3. The Gossipy Neighbor
The gossipy neighbor is always talking about other people and their business, even when you don’t know those other people, and you have not given any indication to your neighbor that you’re interested in their gossip.
Here’s what you can say to a gossipy neighbor if you want them to stop:
“I prefer not to hear about other people’s business. It really doesn’t concern me” or,
“I’m sorry, but I don’t want to get involved in that.”
4. The Neighbor Who Drops In Unannounced
If your neighbor is always showing up at your door without an invitation or shows up at family-only birthday parties or dinners when you clearly don’t want them there, here’s what you can say to them to make them stop:
“I’m sorry, but we’re not expecting company right now. It really would be best if you call ahead before you come next time” or,
“We don’t mean to be disrespectful, but this is a family-only event.”
Or just come up with an excuse every time they show up at your door like “I’m sorry, we’re just about to get dinner started/go to bed/leave for the evening, so this really isn’t a good time.” Hopefully, they’ll get the hint and stop showing up unannounced.
5. The Neighbor Who Keeps Borrowing Your Stuff
This is the neighbor who keeps walking into your backyard and “borrowing” your garden rake or the one who “accidentally” takes your newspaper every day and never gives it back.
If you have a neighbor like that, here’s what you can say to them:
“I don’t mind if you borrow my rake (or newspaper) once in a while, but can you please ask me first? And can you please return them as soon as you’re done?” or,
“I would prefer that you didn’t take my things without asking. It makes me feel like you’re disrespecting my property.”
6. The Old Lady (or Man) Who Keeps Bringing Over Freshly Baked Food
This is the neighbor who is always bringing over freshly baked cookies or a pie, even when you’ve politely declined their gesture. If you want them to stop you can say something like:
“That’s very kind of you, but I’m trying to watch my calorie intake” or,
“I appreciate your offer, but we have many dietary restrictions (or allergies) that make it difficult for us to eat any of your baked goods, and we wouldn’t want you to feel responsible if we got sick.” If anything will, this should do the trick!
7. The Neighbor Who Doesn’t Respect Physical Boundaries
This is the neighbor who always wants to invade your personal space, whether it’s standing too close to you when you’re talking or coming into your house or yard without an invitation, or peeking over the fence.
If this is your neighbor, try saying something like this set some boundaries:
“I’m sorry, but I really feel uncomfortable when people invade my personal space. Would you mind moving back a little?” or,
“I’m sorry, but I would prefer if you didn’t come into my yard without an invitation. We respect your privacy and we hope you can respect ours.”
8. The Neighbor Who Keeps Popping up Out of Nowhere
If you like to enjoy a quiet afternoon stroll around the neighborhood, but your neighbor keeps “accidentally” running into you and joining you on your walks without an invitation, here’s what you can say:
“I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but I really don’t enjoy walking with other people. I prefer to walk alone so I can clear my head” or,
“I’m sorry, but I’m really not in the mood for company right now. I hope you understand.”
Or, if you like listening to music while on your walks, whenever you see your neighbor approaching you, point to your headphones or earpods and give them a friendly smile, and pretend you’re on a private phone call.
You can say something like “I’m sorry, I’m on a conference call with my boss,” or “I’m on the phone with my brother (or mother) discussing some private matters. I can’t talk right now.” Hopefully, they’ll take the hint and leave you alone.
9. The (Too) Helpful Neighbor
Your neighbor may think they’re the neighborhood’s Dr. Phill. They will always try to help you. This includes offering unsolicited advice or trying to do things for you when you don’t want or need help.
If this is your neighbor, try saying this to them to get them off your back:
“I really appreciate your advice, but I think I’ve got it covered” or
“Thank you, but I prefer to do things myself (or I like to figure things out on my own).”
What NOT to Do When Dealing with Intrusive Neighbors
Dealing with these situations can be frustrating and there are times when it may be tempting to say or do something you’ll regret later. Here are a few things you should NEVER do when confronted with intrusive neighbors:
1. Don’t Get Physical
No matter how angry or frustrated you get with your intrusive neighbor, never physically attack them or threaten them in any way. This will only make the situation worse and could get you into legal trouble.
If at any point you start to feel threatened or unsafe, make sure you have company whenever you have to deal with your neighbor or call the police.
2. Don’t Avoid Going Outside
The biggest mistake when dealing with an intrusive neighbor is to go to extreme lengths to avoid them. Some people may try to avoid going outside or avoid going to common areas like a shared backyard or playroom just to avoid running into their neighbor.
While it’s understandable that you might not want to run into your neighbor, you shouldn’t have to change your entire lifestyle just to avoid them. This will not make the problem go away and will just prolong the situation and may probably even make it worse.
3. Don’t Spy on Them
Another thing you should never do is to start spying on your neighbor in an attempt to catch them doing something wrong or to try to find dirt on them.
This will only make you seem paranoid and creepy, and it’s a violation of their privacy.
4. Don’t Just Write Them a Letter
If you’re going to confront your neighbor about their intrusive behavior, don’t start with leaving them a letter or a note. If you haven’t talked to them yet, they may have no clue what you’re talking about and this will probably just make them angry and could escalate the situation.
It’s always best to talk to your neighbor face-to-face so you can explain your feelings and hopefully come to a resolution.
5. Don’t Worry About Their Feelings
While it’s important to be respectful when talking to your neighbor, you also need to stand up for yourself and set boundaries.
Being “too nice” will only make the situation worse and they’ll probably take advantage of your nice nature.
Don’t worry about hurting their feelings or making them feel uncomfortable. You have a right to privacy and you should never have to tolerate their intrusive behavior just to spare their feelings.
6. Don’t Give Up
If you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to be working, don’t give up. It may take some time and patience, but eventually, your neighbor will get the message and hopefully change their behavior.
And if all else fails, you can always move. While no one wants to have to move just because of a bad neighbor, sometimes it’s the best solution.
Final Thoughts
Dealing with intrusive neighbors can be difficult, but it’s important to stand up for yourself and set boundaries. By following the tips above, you can hopefully make the situation better and get your neighbor to back off.